jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Being innovative

Being innovative in the CEEI

Last 2nd of January, we contacted with  the European Centre of Innovation Companies (CEEI), and we arranged  an appointment to talk to  Roberto Payá Doménech who is the general director of the centre.
In our meeting we presented our project and he explained to us loads of important things to make a good Business Plan and gave us the example of the Canvas Business Plan Model  which was divided into different parts and points to follow. Nowadays, this is very important because all the big companies are using this type of plan as an example to follow in order to create the new business and to  draw the potential investors' attention .

We really enjoyed with the visit and we felt very pleased and grateful  because of the explanation and the welcome that they gave to us and to our  project, Alcoy Deepam.

la salle dreams alcoydeepam
This is the CEIS' photocool
la salle dreams alcoydeepam
We were taking notes
la salle dreams alcoydeepam
Roberto is explaining us loads of things about the business plan
la salle dreams alcoydeepam
We were explaining him our project
la salle dreams alcoydeepam
Canvas Business Plan
canvas business plan la salle dreams alcoydeepam
Canvas Business Plan